Saturday, May 11, 2024

Avery, ID: Milwaukee Depot, Roundhouse and Turntable Bearing

Depot: (Satellite, 15 photos)
Roundhouse: (Satellite, they did a good job of removing the foundation.)

That is a rather long depot for such a small town.
Street View, Sep 2021

John Harker posted
An unknown photographer climbed a steep embankment, turned and point the camera to the southeast to capture this view of the Milw Avery, Idaho round house and turntable along the St. Joe River on September 30, 1970.  Just to the left you can see the west end of the electric service building next to the round house.. Below in the foreground was the mainline.  John Harker photo editing and collection.
Rex Stewart: that was the end of our division on the Milw. It was quite a place until they went downhill. we use to work on slide fences and under ground cables back in the early 70s. Probably the best job I ever had, but luckily I got on with the St Maries River RR and retired in 2010.
Ed Lynch: I believe this photo was taken by the late Bruce Black. When he passed away, his entire photo collection was bought by someone back east for over $ 6 figures. His great photos most likely will not be seen by anyone but him in the future. It is too bad !
Joe Jenkins: Seeing the Electric Overhead service car next to the Roundhouse is cool to see.
Ron Applegate: Out of the photo, to the right side is where the auto swinging bridge that you had to drive over to get to the roundhouse.

Andrew Scheldt commented on John's post, cropped
Here is the bearing from that roundhouse. I took this pic last summer during our dirt bike trip.

Heather Heber Callahan posted
Avery, Idaho
Mark Soderling: When we were fishing and camping on the Little Joe we would watch the electric trains pulling up the grade and the electric ball of fire where the tower touched the lines.
Robert Liepold: The electric units that operated thru the Rockies and Bitterroot Mtns. Very efficient engines as units traveling downhill put electricity back into line. As a kid watching the passenger trains go by I wished to ride someday. Got my wish when I rode round trip from Spokane to Chicago while on leave in military.
[Some of the comments talk about good fishing on the St. Joe River.]
AnnetteKay Bedwell shared

1969 Fishhook Creek and 1957 Wallace Quads @ 24,000

Evidently riding dirt bikes and ATVs on trails is now a good part of the town's economy.
Shawn Robins, Aug 2019

Jul 1, 2024:
Avery Idaho, St Joe River posted
As a lot of you may know we are trying to raise money for much needed repairs to the Avery depot. 
The floor and wall in the back half of the building need replaced. 
We will have multiple fundraising activities all summer into the fall, if you are not able to visit us in Avery and would like to donate you can send a check to 
P.O. Box 143
Avery Idaho 83802
Made out to Avery Citizens 
Hopefully we will have online fundraising in the near future.
Sean Rotinski shared
Please donate. It’s a magnificent depot and museum.

Michael Pounds commented on Sean's share
I was just there last week.
They’ve done a wonderful job keeping the depot up.
A few bucks from a lot of people could go a long way.

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