Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Baraboo, WI: C&NW Depot


Street View, Sep 2019

Raymond Storey posted
Trent Briggs posted
Baraboo, Wisconsin 1906

Scott Breden posted five photos with the comment: "I am a lifelong resident of WI, but know very little about the history of the few pics of abandoned rail other than they probably served the Ringling Bros. Circus complex located in Baraboo. However, what I continue to be fascinated by is the size of the depot located nearby. This seems to be such a large depot for such a small city at the time. One can only imagine the traffic in and out of that place."
Ross Stone: It was also the Wisconsin Division headquarters for the CNW, hence the larger building. Also when it was built there were multiple passenger trains each direction every day. There’s an ongoing effort to restore it, but it used to have platform shelters as well.
Sarah Sloan: Someone needs to save that beautiful depot!
Richard Colby: Sarah Sloan it's under restoration at the moment. There's a group that's working on it.
Scott Breden: Ross Stone I had an idea about the multiple trains, but did not know that other fact. Thanks for sharing that info. The tracks must’ve went through North Freedom and museum that is now there. My son and I have been there multiple times.
Ross Stone: Yes. That’s the original alignment of the CNW mainline from Chicago to St Paul. The line continued north through North Freedom, Rock Springs, Reedsburg, Union Center, Elroy, and Hustler and crossed the Milwaukee Road at Camp Douglas, then on to Wyeville. The museum trackage is an old branch line that served a mine at Rattlesnake.
Gregory Latiak: Fond memories of Circus World museum. Curious, is it still there?
Scott Breden: Gregory Latiak yes…





Dale Marks commented on Ross' first comment
This from James Scribbins book "The 400 Story". Published by PTU Books. The Dakota 400 went as for West to Rapid City, South Dakota.

1958 North Freedom and 1959 Baraboo Quads @ 62,500

Second Section Productions posted
Sitting abandoned along the Wisconsin & Southern Railroad in Baraboo, Wisconsin, the former division offices of the Chicago & Northwestern look worse for wear when photographed in 2017. Since then, the Sauk County Historical Society has begun work to restore the building into a museum.
Cody Suddeth shared
CNW Depot & offices from 7 years ago, stabilization & restoration work has since begun on this building.

Bryan Much posted five images with the comment: "Baraboo C&NW depot and division office building.  1902.  Initially they put in a wooden depot and separate buildings for the division office.  They also put in an eight-stall roundhouse that grew to 28 stalls.  In 1896 they double tracked the line between Madison and Elroy.  The depot had separate men/women waiting rooms, baggage offices, and a kitchen and lunch room.  In 1903 Baraboo had 388 railroad employees which was more than 5% of the city's population.  In 1933 the division office was transferred to Madison.  The building served as a passenger depot until 1963 and was later sold to a private party.  In recent years the depot was transferred to the historical society which has plans to restore it. https://saukcountyhistory.org/baraboodepot"
Jack Franklin: Just want to stress that passenger era interior pictures are still needed for the restoration. They need pre-1963 photos or plans of the passenger waiting room on the 1st floor.
Thanks for any help.
Steven Hooker shared
Jack Franklin: The society is looking for pictures of the interior of the station first floor waiting room and ticket area. They would have to be pre-1963 during the passenger area. You can PM me or send them to the society. They need these pictures for the restoration.





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