Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Henkel, IL: Lost/IC Depot and Wood Grain Elevator

Depot: (Satellite)
Elevator: (Satellite)

This was another town on the abandoned IC Charter Line.

Jimmy Fiedler posted
Richard Fiedler shared

Gary Stanford commented on Jimmy's post
Site of the late but not lamented Henkel Bridge that carried US 52 over the ICRR. Many a bad auto accident occurred on that bridge.
Henkel is in the lower-right corner. I include the curves in US-52 because of Gary's comment.
1939 Aerial Photo from ILHAP

This is another Illinois railroad town that never consisted of much more than a grain elevator, but that elevator has survived. Note the wooden elevator as the core this elevator.
Street View, Aug 2023

I noticed that the elevator was unusual because its expansion consists mostly of an old technology of bolted-steel silos. So I took a closer look. That is when I noticed that this is now a seed company rather than grain storage.
Street View, Aug 2023

Wesley Peters posted two photos with the comment:
Henkel, Lee County, IL
Early history unknown.
Photographed on 6/9/2024.
Photos courtesy of Wesley Peters.


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