Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Waverly, IL: CB&Q and Big Four/CP&StL Depots

CB&Q Depot: (Satellite, the land has been reused)
Big Four Depot: (Satellite, northwest quadrant of the crossing of the CB&Q and Big Four tracks.)

CP&CtL = Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis

The Big Four route that went north/south through town has been abandoned. Harker Street has been extended south on the old RoW of the Big Four.

Andy Zukowski posted
Burlington Depot in Waverly, Illinois. (Circa 1910)
Thomas Whitt shared
Richard Fiedler shared
Andy Zukowski posted
Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis Train Depot in Waverly, Illinois. 1908
Richard Fiedler shared

1941 Aerial Photo from ILHAP

The grain elevator that survived is the one that was along the Big Four tracks.

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