Friday, June 14, 2024

Yale, MI: Lost/C&O Depopt

(Satellite, according to the topo map, it was north of the tracks and a little east of Main St.)

Doug Hefty posted
Some might say this depot is an eyesore and needs a paint job.  Others may admire its rustic "farmhouse" ambience and expert weathering!  You be the judge!  Anyway, I'm glad that Mark Hinsdale got this nice photo of the Yale depot.  It must have been before January, 1977 since it's still an open office with the train order signal intact.  Unfortunately, the depot was demolished in a derailment as PH77 was passing one morning, the pile up rendering it a complete loss.  Thankfully, the lineman who had his office in the depot had not yet arrived to work!  I don't recall the date of the derailment.  We had one of those "announceators" at this location to get an audible over the dispatcher's line when a train was passing.  Mostly, it came in handy to notify Port Huron when "their train" was getting close.  After the depot was gone, the mic was affixed to a pole.  Never had a chance to work this location before it was closed.
Mark Hinsdale: My view of Yale was taken in August, 1975. I was working 3rd Trick at Tunnel Yard in Port Huron for GTW.
Doug Hefty: After the Yale agency closed, it was handled by a mobile agent working out of Croswell. I worked that job a couple of times in 1978 (Dick Webb was the regular agent), and remember driving the company car over to Yale to pick up a waybill out of the box. Jerry Rafferty's "Right Down the Line" was playing on the car radio. How do these things stick in our minds?! 😄
Richard Fiedler shared

1961 Yale Quad @ 24,000

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