Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hazleton, PA: Lost/Lehigh Valley Depot and NS/LV Railyard

Depot: (Satellite, the land wasn't used for a parking lot, it was used for a parking garage.)
Railyard: (Satellite)

Robert Wanner posted
Lehigh Valley Railroad Hazleton, Pennsylvania station with both of the RDC Budd cars making their connection to the LV Mainline at Lehighton, Pa. About 1951 I would think. Former gas-electric car territory before the Budd cars. Unknown Photographer.
Robert Wanner shared

Dennis DeBruler commented on Robert's post
This 1969 aerial photo shows that it was in the southwest quadrant of Wyoming Street and the tracks. [AR1VBZA00060190]

This topo map does not mark the location of the depot.
1947/62 Hazleton Quad @ 24,000

Norfolk Southern is still using the railyard. Not only does it have all of the tracks and yard office, it has some cuts of cars in the yard.

Norris, IL: Lost/CB&Q Depot

(Satellite, it was on the west side of the mainline. It probably had a house track behind it.)

Not only is the depot lost, but so is the railroad.

John Stell posted two photos with the comment: "CB&Q depot at Norris Illinois with David Hibbard and his 1964 Chevy.  Sign on North side was the posting that station would be closed.  Slides are marked April 1965.  Both slides by John Stell."


1938 Aerial Photo from ILHAP

This topo map does not mark the location of the depot, but it does imply that there was a house track.
1974/78 Farmington West and Canton Quad @ 24,000

It was on the branch between Vermont and Buda.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Cleveland, OH: Pennsy Depot

(Satellite, the topo map indicates it was in the southeast quadrant. As is rather typical, the land is now a parking lot.)

Robert Daley posted
PRR's East 55th Street Station in Cleveland.

Dennis DeBruler commented on Robert's post
This topo map indicates that the depot was in the southeast quadrant of the intersection, which is now a parking lot. 1953/55 Cleveland North Quad @ 24,000

Marshall, IL: Pennsy Depot


Andy Zukowski posted
Vandalia Railroad Depot in Marshall, Illinois 1919. Photo by C.R. Childs
Richard Fiedler shared

1939 Aerial Photo from ILHAP

While I had the aerial photo in a window, I also saved where the NYC had some buildings on the east side of town.
1939 Aerial Photo from ILHAP

Geneseo, IL: Extant/Rock Island Depot


Andy Zukowski posted
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Depot in Geneseo, Illinois 1912.  Photo by C.R. CHILDS of Chicago.
Richard Fiedler shared

Dennis DeBruler commented on Andy's post
It is extant,

This aerial made it easy to find.
1938 Aerial Photo from ILHAP

The topo does not mark the location of the depot. I wonder what the black dots mean. There were quite a few tracks in town back then.
1953/57 Geneseo Quad @ 24,000

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Pine Bluff, AR: Museum/UP Depot, Roundhouse, Backshop, Transfer Table and Railyard

Depot: (Satellite) This is now a history museum.
Roundhouse: (Satellite) Some of the foundation still exists.
Backshop: (Satellite, 853 photos) This is now a railroad museum.
Transfer Table: (Satellite) I marked the location of the table when I accessed the map (Sep 17, 2024). 
Railyard: (Satellite)

Redeker Rail Video & Photography caught the Big Boy at the museum/depot and posted four photos.




Street View, Sep 2019

The museum/backshop is on the left. The transfer table is out-of-frame to the left. You can see the foundation for some of the wall of the roundhouse peaking up through the grass on the right.
Street View, Jun 2022

We can see more of the roundhouse foundation on the left. And this provides a nice 3/4 view of the backshop.
Street View, Aug 2022

One of the artifacts in the museum.
Ryan A, Jun 2016

The railyard at least used to have a hump yard. I can't keep track of which humps are still used.

Atlanta, MO: Wabash Depot

(Satellite, on the east side of the tracks halfway between Jackson and Main Streets.)

Raymond Storey posted two photos with the comment: "ATLANTA MO."


Dennis DeBruler commented on Raymond's post
In this 1950 aerial photo, the grain elevator is south of the depot so the depot was on the east side of the tracks. Main Street was just this side of the grain elevator and south of the depot.

This topo map does not mark the location of the depot.
1908/50 Atlanta Quad @ 62,500

The grain elevator company did not survive in this town.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Milroy, MN: Multiple Wood Grain Elevators


Looking South.
Street View, Apr 2023

Looking West.
Street View, Apr 2023

Justin Beck posted
Milroy, MN - Jul 27, 2024

Marengo, IL: Lost/C&NW Depot

(Satellite, southwest quadrant of State Street and the tracks.)

Jim Arvites posted
Chicago & North Western passenger train arriving at the Marengo, Illinois depot. The station still survives today and has been moved to the Illinois Railroad Museum at Union.
(McHenry County Historical Society)
Paul Jevert shared

Note that there were more tracks in town back in the day.
1937/37 Harvard and 1938/38 Genoa Quads @ 62,500

1939 Aerial Photo from IHLAP

Peoria, IL: CB&Q Grain Elevator

(Satellite, torn down in 1971)

<RED ALERT: add to>

David Jordan posted three images with the comment:
The old Burlington Elevator appeared in the background of a lot of local train photos. It was located along Southwest Washington Street, at the Foot of Western Avenue. The structure was built in 1897 to replace the CB&Q's fire-ravaged Union Elevator (1872). Expansion in 1902 added much storage capacity.
In July 1931, Farmers National Grain Co. purchased the Burlington Elevator. At the time, it was being used to store oats, but the new owner decided to increase storage capacity, store wheat and corn, and for the first time, soybeans. 
Continental Grain Co. leased the elevator from 1938 to 1942 when it was sold to Norris Grain Co. This arrangement lasted until 1962 when Archer Daniels Midland Co purchased it. 
I've either misplaced my notes or had seen another source I've since forgotten, but I believe the elevator closed in 1967 because it couldn't compete with newer concrete and steel structures which also had direct river access. 
Demolition of the old wooden structure started in late-December 1970 and lasted through at least February 1971. See photo captions for source/date.
Peoria Journal-Transcript August 18, 1944.

Peoria Journal Star December 31, 1970.

Peoria Journal Star December 31, 1970.

Dennis DeBruler commented on David's post
It looks like it was the "fat rectangle" between Spruce and Dodge Streets. I presume that CB&Q owned the larger roundhouse. Who owned the smaller one? And we can see where the "Alley Track" joined the railyard.
1949 Peoria East Quad @ 24,000

Dennis DeBruler commented on David's post

Dennis DeBruler commented on David's post
Details like the removal of the elevator by 1972 allows us to test the accuracy of the topo maps. Unfortunately, this 1979 map flunks this test because it still shows the elevator existing.
1979 Peoria East Quad @ 24,000

Greenbrier Rail Services now has the P&PU roundhouse land. They built a building on the turntable location and use the roundhouse footprint for storage.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Roodhouse, IL: Lost/GM&O Depot and Roundhouse

Depot: (Satellite)
Roundhouse: (Satellite)

Andy Zukowski posted
GM&O Railroad Depot at Roodhouse, Illinois. Photo by H. H. Bregstone of St Louis.
James Roady: my Father worked as a telegraph operator/train dispatcher for many years here. as a kid I played in the 3 story safe Contained within his office at the west end of the building, under the cupalo.
arson was suspected IC railroad collected insurance.
Richard Fiedler shared

James Roady commented on Andy's post

Dennis DeBruler commented on James' comment
Was it the rectangle that was between the tracks and next to the roundhouse or the rectangle that was north of the little yard? 1937 aerial photo

Richard Fiedler answered Dennis' question
I believe it’s in the left wye with the roundhouse to it’s back.
I copied this Sanborn fire map from a post about Roodhouse from a few years ago in this group.
James Roady: richard you are correct

The 1937 aerial photo above confirms that the roundhouse had a flat side.

Andy Zukowski posted
Chicago and Alton Railway Depot in Roodhouse, Illinois. 1907