Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Fairfield, IA: CB&Q Depot and Junction Tower: CBaQ vs. Rock Island

Depot: (Satellite)
Crossing: (Satellite, the photo shows the tower was in the northwest quadrant.)

Street View, Sep 2013

John Harker posted
J. J. Buckley had his camera pointed westward as he photographed east bound train #18, the California Zephyr just crossing the Rock Island Golden State route in Fairfield, Iowa on June 11, 1966. The train had to start slowing down for a station stop at the CB&Q depot jut east of this location at 9:55 am. Looks like the E8As, 9943B and 9964 were running elephant style which was typical for the CB&Q on most passenger trains between Chicago and Denver. I scanned and edited this image from an original non-Kodak processed Kodachrome slide in my collection. It is a repost from 2023 with higher resolution scanning, editing in Photoshop and updated descriptive information.
[There is so much history in this photo including signaling pipelines and boxcars spotted at a grain elevator.]
John Harker also posted

As implied by John's description, the CB&Q was the east/west route, and the RI was north/south. 7th Street was built on the RI RoW.
Dennis DeBruler commented on John's post When I looked at where this topo map marked the depot, I discovered that it is extant: https://maps.app.goo.gl/DA5MWkvx7D6bdSUx8. 1980/81 Fairfield North Quad @ 24,000

It appears that the tower was gone by 1973.  The street along the right side of this aerial is B Street.
Nov 30, 1973 @ 22,000; AR1VDIW00020171

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