Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Leadville, CO: Tourist/C&S/DSP&P Depot and D&RGW Roundhouse

Depot: (Satellite, 2,811 photos)
Roundhouse: (Satellite?)

DSP&P = Denver, South Park & Pacific
C&S = Colorado & Southern, which was a subsidiary of CB&Q.

Street View, Jul 2008


"Originally owned by the Denver South Park & Pacific Railroad the "highline" was completed in 1884 and was originally a narrow gage railroad. The route was 151 miles from Denver and crossed the continental divide twice before arriving in Leadville. The Leadville Railroad is the last remaining section of the original Denver South Park & Pacific Railroad."
When Ken and Stephanie Olsen bought the "High Line" from Burlington Northern in 1987, the purchase included a roundhouse as well as 14 miles of track.

Richard Crabtree posted
Fire Burns Down Denver & Rio Grande ~ Denver South Park & Pacific Roundhouse in Leadville !!!
A 50,000 Fire
Valuable property consumed at the Roundhouse yesterday morning by flames
Six locomotives in the building fall victim to the insatiable element
At 7 o’clock yesterday morning, the roundhouse of the Denver and Rio Grande and South Park railroads was discovered to be on fire, which spread with great rapidity, and in an incredibly short time, the whole building was wrapped in flames.
The building is a wooden structure, situated a short distance from the Union Depot.
Mr. Kirkhoff, the nightwatchman, was just making his last round when he discovered the flames. Realizing the intimate danger of the Amberson Brothers, who slept there, he, with difficulty, groped his way through the dense volume of smoke that filled the building.
To give the alarm, and buy superhuman effort, reach them in time to save their lives. Slipping on a few garments, they Hurley out, barely in time to escape impending death, which would have overtaken them very shortly. The heat inside was like that of a crematory in unapproachable.
The depot force in two steam pumps were immediately utilized, and in a very short order, two streams of water were directed to the flames, but with little effect, as the oil and the wood augmented the tender light conditions of the building, which burn with ferocious intensity, and rendered it impossible to save the six engines and the various tools inside
The fire department has into the scene, but as there are no water remains at that distance, their efforts were aborted, although every effort was made to save the blacksmith shop and another building, and in this they were successful.
The skeletons of six locomotive stood out in the morning, light, monuments to the devouring elements. Five belong to the Denver& Rio Grande Railway, the other being the property of the South Park. A snowplow belonging to the former company was also destroyed, besides a quantity of tools, books, and valuable papers, belonging to the engineers and firemen. As soon as the heat had in a major abated, an engine was attached to the remains of the six engines, and they were drawn outside and the extent of the damage to them was examined. It is estimated that it will require four or $5000 each to fit them for future use.
The total loss will reach $40,000 or $50,000, upon which is supposed there is some insurance. The origin of the fire is as yet unknown and cannot be accounted for, it’s spread so rapidly. The roads will suffer considerable inconvenience, but will not be, majorly crippled in their business
Leadville Daily Herald, February 2, 1884
Richard Crabtree shared

I can't find either the C&S nor the DRG&W roundhouses on the topo map. 
1935/1955 Mount Elbert and 1949/1955 Holy Cross Quads @ 62,500

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