Friday, June 7, 2024

Verona, PA: Pennsy Roundhouse

(Satellite, it was north of Center Ave, between Allegheny river Blvd and today's Anchor Drive.)

Edg Lightcap posted: "Does anyone know about or have pictures of the Verona, Pa
Roundhouse. Is said it had 48 stalls. Thanks"
Rick Shilling provided two comments:
C 1920-1950 PRR Roundhouse, Verona, PA.

1898 photo map here

1946 New Kensington Quad @ 62,500

I had trouble correlating the 1946 map with today's satellite image, so I also got a 1950s map.
1955 New Kensington West Quad @ 24,000

Unfortunately, it accurately depicts that the roundhouse was removed in 1950. So I used a new "transparency" feature to depict both of these maps together. That made it easy to find the roundhouse with today's street pattern.
50/50 blend of the above two quads

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