Friday, June 21, 2024

Cary, IL: Metra/C&NW Depots


This is one of those depots where the current one is better than the original one thanks to commuter traffic.
Street View, Sep 2022

I wonder how many depots this town has had.
Andy Zukowski posted
Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Depot in Cary, Illinois. 1914
Photo by C.R. Childs
Richard Fiedler shared

The 1914 depot being in the same location as today's depot makes sense. Back then the Northwest Highway was skinnier so there was room for a house track. The photo is consistent with C&NW left-hand running, the business district building in the left background and this topo map. But the women looking to our left imply that the train was running right-handed that day.
1923/1938 Barrington Quad @ 62,500

But this aerial photo shows a grain elevator on the north side of the tracks and a depot-like building with a house track on the south side of the tracks. So, I'm confused.
1939 Aerial Photo from ILHAP

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