Friday, June 14, 2024

Meriden, IL: Wood & Bolted-Steel Grain Elevators

Wood: (Satellite)
Bolted Steel: (Satellite)

ADM built a greenfield grain elevator and flour mill just west of here next to I-39 with loops of track to efficiently load and unload unit trains.

Street View, Aug 2023

In addition to two wood elevators and two bolted-steel silos, this elevator has at least three generations of galvanized-steel bins. Because of the leg drops, it looks like both wood elevators are actively used. According to Google Earth, the big bin in the back was added between Aug 2007 and Oct 2009.
Street View, Aug 2023

From the street, I thought it was two wood elevators built next to each other. But these closer views show that it is one elevator with two headhouses. And both leg drops are going to the western headhouse.
Wesley Peters posted two photos with the comment:
Meriden, La Salle County, IL
Built before 1910. An exact year is unknown.
One of 16 surviving mansard roof elevators in Illinois. This example features rare twin distributor houses.
Photographed on 6/9/2024.
Photos courtesy of Wesley Peters.


Wesley Peters posted
Meriden, La Salle County, IL
Bolted steel bin annex. Early history unknown. At one time a much older wooden headhouse stood to left of this annex.
Photographed on 6/9/2024.
Photo courtesy of Wesley Peters.
John McCall: Quite a few of these in KS but don't look like they are even in use. I take it these aren't the easiest to clean out is maybe why?
Dennis DeBruler commented on Wesley's bolted bin post
It looks like the town used to have three elevators. The one on the east side is gone, the one in the middle was replaced and the one on the west side has grown considerably. 1939 aerial photo
Dennis DeBruler commented on Wesley's bolted bin post
In the 1939 photo, it appears that the middle elevator consisted of a small elevator east of a larger elevator because in this 1969 aerial the larger elevator was replaced with a small silo and two larger silos. The two larger silos are the ones we see today. [AR1VCBO00030077]

Dennis DeBruler commented on Wesley's bolted bin post
ADM has built a rail-served grain elevator and flour mill just west of this town that is closer to the Interstate exit. I wonder how that impacts the economics of this elevator.

Jerry Krug posted
Meriden, IL on February 9, 2017.

Jeff Wojciechowski posted
Meriden, Illinois
February 24th 2021

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