Monday, October 20, 2014

Neponset, IL: Wooden Grain Elevator


Street View

Neponset Historical Society posted
Neponset, IL. 1969.
Zach Malcolm shared

The grain elevator in Neponset, IL, has quite a bit of storage capacity, but Neponset does not have a downtown. It has just a gas station.

I have to admit that Google's street side view above is a better overview than any of my pictures. But my track side photo indicates that the BNSF/CB&Q siding is currently broken. However, it looks like they may be repairing it.

20141017-19 0029
The concrete foundation for a rectangular building also caught my attention. And this view indicates that the regular building to expand the capacity is quite long and wide.

I took a picture of this disk parked near the elevator for use in a posting I'm planning to write.
This Maintenance-of-Way equipment is more evidence that they are repairing the siding to the grain elevator. Close by someone had dumped a lot of old spikes and a tie-plate.

This is a view of the grain elevator complex from the west side where I saw the disc and MoW equipment.
Street View
The checkerboard painting we see in the 1969 photo has disappeared. But we can still see the letters of the name PURINA.

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