Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Canton, OH: New Republic/LTV/Republic Steel


Canton OH also has Timkin Steel Plants.

Republic Steel used to have integrated steel mills. But the ones in Chicago and Buffalo are gone and the ones in East Chicago and Cleveland are now owned by Cleveland-Cliffs. But the bar production parts of some of their steel mills survive as the Republic subsidiary of a Mexican steel company. Canton has one of those mills and is the headquarters of the newer company. "Republic is North America's leading supplier of special bar quality steel, a highly engineered product used in axles, drive trains, suspensions, and other critical components of automobiles, off-highway vehicles, and industrial equipment. Republic's special bar quality products include hot rolled steel bars, cold finished steel bars, and bottom poured ingots. Republic Steel makes and sells more special bar quality steel than any other company." [RepublicSteel-locations]

Brian Stevens posted, this post also has 16 images of blueprints
I would like to thank Chance Ayers for inviting me out to the former Republic Steel, South Division in Canton, Ohio. He gave a me a tour of the 1&2 melt shops. We also thumbed through some old blueprints. I never knew this facility was ever that large! One print even revealed that open hearth furnaces were once used. The odd ball was finding a blueprint for an Armco plant in the Baltimore area. Well, later I read that Republic Engineered Steels had acquired the facility for part of their special metals division. A ton of local history, I had a great time and look forward to possibly returning.
Michael Maitland posted this and 18 other photos in the Mini Mills - History and Discussion Group concerning Republic facilities in Canton and Massillon, OH.

Dennis Durkalec posted three photos with the comment: "Republic Steel Canton 8th street circa 2002."



Tony Margis posted
8" mill in Canton, Ohio (undated)

Street View

1958 Canton East Quadrantle @ 1:24,000
As a bonus, I included the Pennsy roundhouse in the upper-right corner.

"Republic Steel’s Canton mill is the only one in the state that produces leaded steel, which is highly valued due to its malleability. Union leaders at the plant, which employs about 270 workers, told the Repository last month that the mill’s revenue is primarily driven by orders for leaded steel." [CantonRep] The location is in trouble with EPAs for too much lead in the air outside the plant and with OSHA for too much lead in the plant.

Larry J Stevens posted
Canton Ladle Reline circa 2008
Dan Weldon: Hey I was running this I’m in the bottom of the ladle , the guy on the left was Mike Luwpas

safe_image for Republic Steel to idle steelmaking in Canton
Seems the republic steel plants in Canton ohio and Lackawanna New York are closing.
[A comment pointed out that they are "indefinitely idling" instead of closing to reduce their financial obligation to the workers.]

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