Thursday, July 18, 2024

Little Falls, NY: Lost Wood Grain Elevator with Marine Leg on Erie Canal

(Satellite, the land has changed too much for me to determine the exact location.)

Today, the four locks that were in this town have been replaced by Lock #17. When it was built in 1915, that 40.5' (12m) high lock had the highest lift in the world.

Cori Willson posted two images with the comment: "Joshua Judson Gilbert's grain mill in Little Falls, dated 1864, was equipped with an overhead conveyor that brought grain straight from the Erie Canal boats to his mill to manufacture starch. The grain elevator was located between old locks 36 & 37, I believe that's today's Goat Island between the  elevator and lock 37. When the Barge Canal was built the water level was raised significantly which created the small island."

1890s Enlarged Erie Canal map

Little Falls NY Historical Society Museum commented on Cori's post
The Gilbert's Starch Elevator was used as a cement mixer during the construction of the Barge Canal | Circa 1909

Cori Wilson commented on the above comment
 I have that one too, progress photos from the State Archives:)

Hudson River Lightkeeper commented on Cori's post

Cori provided seven more images as comments on the second photo.







Chris Peters commented on the second video
This view of the elevator in this photo seems to be here:

The view provided by the link in the above comment by Chris

Aaron Palmer commented on the second photo

Little Falls NY Historical Society Museum posted
Red Arrow- is the location of Lock 36, Green Arrow is the location of Lock 37, Blue Arrow- is the location of Lock 38, and Yellow Arrow- is the location of Lock 39 | Orange marks the Enlarged Erie Canal of 1862.

Little Falls NY Historical Society Museum posted
1811 Briggs Map | The Blue Arrows mark what became known as Loomis Island and the mile long feeder canal, which had a drop of 40 feet in elevation to harness waterpower for Colonel Peter Bellinger's Mill, which is marked on the map as "Mill" | The Red Arrows mark Seeley Island | The Green Arrows mark what became known as Moss Island | The Pink Dotted line marks the Route of the 1795 Western Inland Lock Navigation Canal, which followed the original path of the 1720s portage of the Little Carrying Place | The Yellow Dotted line is the proposed path of the 1825 Erie Canal.

1900/1900 Little Falls Quad @ 62,500

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