Sunday, July 7, 2024

Viroqua, WI: Milwaukee and Lost/L&SE Depots

Milwaukee: (Satellite)
L&SE: (Satellite, the land has been repurposed)

L&SE = LaCrosse & Southeastern

I wonder what type of mining was in the area that two different railroads would build to this area.

Bryan Much posted
Viroqua depot.
Pete Kranz: Milwaukee depot. The L&SE depot was a block south and a couple blocks west (Nelson agri-center today)
Jim Kelling shared
Viroqua Wisconsin

D Scott Peterson commented on Bryan's post
The other Viroqua WI depot.

D Scott Peterson commented on Bryan's post
Plans of the Viroqua Depot.

D Scott Peterson commented on Bryan's post
We must have been there on different days together.

1926/1925 Viroqua Quad @ 62,500

Nov 27, 1963 @ 24,000; AR1VAOY00010125

I wonder what the green building processes.
Street View, Aug 2012

It has been painted blue and a decoration has been added to the dormer.
Jennifer Edgar, Apr 2024

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