Saturday, June 29, 2024

New Berlin, IL: Lost/Wabash Depot and Two Wood Grain Elevators

Depot: (Satellite)
East Elevator: (Satellite)
West Elevator: (Satellite)

Andy Zukowski posted
Railroad Depot in New Berlin, Illinois. 1909
Bruce Liebe: This would be on the Wabash Railroad. Point of local history/trivia, but I'm curious why the left the "New" off the depot. The village of Berlin (locally also referred to as Old Berlin) lies a couple miles north. New Berlin was created when the railroad came through this area and skipped Berlin. Old Berlin was up and coming back in the day, and even considered as a site for the state capitol, until the railroad ran a few miles to the south.
Richard Fiedler: I’m thinking my brother has photos he took of this in the late 70’s before it was torn down.
Richard Fiedler shared

1939 Aerial Photo from ILHAP

Dec 14, 1970 @ 20,500; AR1SWDM00020179

The wood elevator is on the right side of this view. They would have first expanded the elevator by building the slip-form elevator behind it. Then they kept building jump-form silos.
Street View, May 2013

In fact, they added a lot of jump-form silos. Unlike most elevators, they never did add steel bins.
Street View, May 2013

The Farmers Grain elevator to the east was not afraid to use steel bins. Note that it also has a wood elevator.
Street View, May 2013

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