Thursday, June 20, 2024

Wausaukee, WI: Lost/Milwaukee Depot

Depot: (Satellite, south of Monroe Street and west of the tracks.)
Ice Cream: (Satellite, see photo description below as to why I note this location.)

This railroad route is now owned by the Escanaba & Lake Superior Railroad (ELS).

Greg Bunce posted
Wausaukee, Wisconsin shot from the rear of an eastbound train by John W. Barriger during an inspection of the Milwaukee for the Reconstruction Finance Corporation during the 1930's.  The Sinclair station on the right is now an ice cream stand.

The one-story building on the left in the above photo has the concrete platform along the track, so it is the depot. According to the aerail below, the grain elevator is south of the depot, so we are looking north in the photo and the depot is on the west side of the tracks.
1938 Aerial Photo via WIHAP

I could not find any grain elevators in the area, but something is getting served with covered hoper cars by the ELS.

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