Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Manlius, IL: C&NW Depot and Two Wood Grain Elevators

Depot: (Satellite, it is now gone)
Elevators: (Satellite)

Andy Zukowski posted
Northwestern Railroad Depot in Manlius, Illinois. 1900
Richard Fiedler shared

This is on the UP/C&NW route that leaves the mainline in Nelson and heads south to St. Louis.
Roger Kujawa posted
Manlius Illinois~Railroad Tracks Before Chicago? & North Western Depot~RPPC 1909
Post card I saw on EBay.
Roger Kujawa shared
Railroad history buff

Dennis DeBruler commented on Roger's share
It looks like the depot was on the east side of the tracks between Elm and Princeton.

Street View, Sep 2013

It not only had its roof a few years earlier, it still had a leg.
Street View, Aug 2009
Wesley Peters posted
Manlius, Bureau County, IL
Northwestern Elevator Co. Headhouse (left) built in 1901. Annex (right) built in 1902.
Photographed on 6/9/2024.
Photo courtesy of Wesley Peters.
Wesley Peters posted
Manlius, Bureau County, IL
H. D. Ridge Elevator/Manlius Grain & Coal Co. South Headhouse built in 1903, Burrell Engineering & Construction Co. 20,000-bushel capacity. North Headhouse built in 1912. This one also looks to be another Burrell Engineering build.
In 1924 the Manlius Grain & Coal Co. purchased the south elevator complex and adjoining coal chute of F. C. Bollman.
Photographed on 6/9/2024.
Photo courtesy of Wesley Peters.

Dennis DeBruler commented on Wesley's post
The elevator across the road also has quite a bit of character,

Jerry Krug commented on Wesley's post
In somewhat better condition on August 4, 2018. My photo.
Dennis DeBruler commented on Wesley's post
According to street view, it had lost its roof by 2013, but the one older view that is available does have an intact roof,

There is a modern elevator a little further north.

I was surprised that it was double-tracked. But I confirmed that the second track is just a siding. If I had looked to the south, I would have gotten quicker confirmation. Why don't they end the siding north of town instead of south of it? That would eliminate the maintenance of two road crossings.

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