Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Chicago, IL: Old Post Offices

1831: (Satellite)
1896: (Satellite, "Washington and the lake.")
1905: (Satellite, the entire city block.)

These notes started with the First Post Office. I'm slowly adding some additional post offices.

1831 First Post Office

The web's caption:
In the Log Building in the Foreground, at What Today is the Intersection of Lake and South Water Streets, Chicago’s First Post-Office Was Established in 1831. From a Painting Owned by the Chicago Historical Society

It is hard to imagine how important the post office was before the invention of the telegraph and how important the newspaper was before the invention of the radio. An interesting tidbit from the web article quoted from M.H.Putney's "Historical Notes" is:
In 1831, the mail was carried on foot once a monthIn 1832, on horseback once a weekIn 1833, by wagon once a weekIn 1834, by stage semi-weeklyIn 1835 and 1836, by stage tri-weeklyIn 1837, by stage daily: and after that time at increasingly short intervals.

1896 Post Office

Terry Gregory commented on the post below
The building was a mess. “The original suggestions ot the postoffice department as to handling and for the mails were rejected by the architect, who was working not so much for the public convenience as for personal glory.”
The Post Office was using a temporary structure between 1896 and 1905 while this “thing” was being built (photo). It was located at Washington and the lake and was very efficient.
The USPS begged the government to keep using the facility which they refused. This expedited the building of the famous Post Office on Congress.

This building would have been right next to the IC railroad.
1900/00 Chicago !uad @ 62,500

1905 Post Office

Vintage Frames posted, cropped
Government Building and Post Office, Chicago, Illinois, circa 1906.
Jeff Bransky: Where was this located. Federal Plaza property?

Terry Gregory commented on Jeff's comment
Terry Gregory: Jeff Bransky Dearborn Jackson Clark & Adams.
1906 Sanborn map.

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