Sunday, May 12, 2024

Bone Gap, IL: Aban/IC/Peoria, Decatur & Evansville Depot and Wood Grain Eelvator

Depot: (Satellite)
Elevator: (Satellite)

Street View, Sep 2021

The wood grain elevator has a rather unique design.
Street View, Sep 2023

Locomotive Jordan posted three photos with the comment: "June 2005, I went down to southern Illinois on vacation with a friend. We came through the small town of Bone Gap, IL. This was on the former Illinois Central and may have been part of the original Peoria, Decatur, and Evansville Rwy."
Candice Marie Lynn shared
Robert Gibson Jr.: It was part of the PD&E.
Richard Fiedler shared
Roger Meridith: I heard an interesting story from an old timer in Bone Gap. He claimed that when the railroad was first built, it missed the town by 3 miles. This was back in the day almost all goods were delivered by rail. The town moved the 3 miles to be on the railroad.



The P&DE was one of the first abandoned IC routes I learned about because they had the bridge that fell into the Wabash river.
Roger Kujawa posted via Dennis DeBruler

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