Friday, May 10, 2024

Winamac, IN: Pennsy Depot, 1862 Freight House and Lost Rectangular Grain Elevator

Depot: (Satellite, I think the depot was a little further west of the marker, but because there is now a new building in the area, Google won't let me mark the actual location. The depot was west of the tracks.)
Freight: (Satellite)
Square Elevator: (Satellite, did they reuse the foundation as a splash pad?)
Regular Elevator: (Satellite)
Current Elevator: (Satellite)

Locomotive Jordan posted two photos with the comment:
The top photo is looking south from the Main St. road crossing at Winamac, IN. along the former Pennsylvania Railroad "Panhandle" around 1930. To my right we see the former "Panhandle" passenger depot. Original photographer is unknown, out of the Pulaski Co. Historical Society collection, and my collection.
The second photo I took back in the late 1990's, from just north of the Main St. road crossing. This was before all of the buildings on the eastside of the tracks going south were removed within recent years. Everything on the east side of the tracks was torn out to make room for a water park. The far elevator was removed about a month ago [Apr 2024].


The 1862 freight house:
Aaron Smith, Oct 2020

Trevor Whited, Apr 2021

It has been a while since I have seen the name Chicago & Great Eastern Railway.
Trevor Whited, Apr 2021
I'm saving the regular elevator because it is now gone also. The square elevator is already gone from the satellite image.

Street View, Oct 2008

Both elevators were still standing in 2015.
Street View, Sep 2015

The current elevator south of town.
Street View, Sep 2015

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