Friday, May 17, 2024

Spruce Creek, PA: "Spruce" Tower and Spruce Creek Tunnels

Tower: (Satellite, just as the tracks start to curve.)
Tunnels: (Satellite)

One of the tunnel portals is visible in the right background.
Darren Reynolds posted
PRRs "Spruce" tower Spruce Creek, Pennsylvania 
"Spruce" tower Controlled movements in and out of Spruce Creek tunnels.
PC Eng-2319 Passing "Spruce " tower on June 21, 1974.
The odd thing about this tower is there's no windows up front ? 
Photo by: David P. Oroszi
Bill Decker: I spent time in that tower. It wasn’t really large in size and the ctc board and the “strongarms” were on that side of the tower inside. Pretty much reverse of the others inside.

This topo map quickly taught me where the tunnels were. (Lower-right corner)
1972 Spruce Creek Quad @ 24,000

It is obvious that the southern tunnel route was the original route because it avoided building two bridges. Since they have built the bridges, a satellite image shows that the straighter northern route is the one that is currently used.
Apr 21, 1962 @ 27,000; AR1VAKF00010076

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