Monday, May 13, 2024

Hopedale, IL: Lost/Chicago & Alton Depot, Two Wood Grain Elevators and a Caboose


This C&A route was abandoned by the ICG.

Andy Zukowski posted
Chicago and Alton Depot, Hopedale, Illinois. C1910 photo from the James Woodruff collection.
Mark Stoeckel: Located on the “Jack Line”
Bill Edrington: It was the Chicago & Alton depot in 1910.
Harlan Hannah: Does anyone know where the depot was located?
Richard Fiedler shared

Dennis DeBrule answered Harlan's question
Given that the grain elevators were on the south side of the tracks, it would have been a half-block northeast of Main Street,

Bob Kalal commented on Andy's post
Hopedale has TPW Caboose 501
[No street view driver went downtown nor along the former tracks.]

Bob Kalal commented on Andy's post
also southwest of town this great looking Chicago and Alton, Illinois Central Gulf Railroad, IC bridge

John Woodrow commented on Bob's comment
The same bridge is called Oredorff or townhall road bridge built 1889 (Edward Wayne Bridges Photo)

This treeline is the old right-of-way of the C&A. The bridge is on the right side of this treeline.

That little creek created a noticeable canyon.
1951 Miner Quad @ 62,500

That route came up through Mason City and terminated in Bloomington, IL.
1963 Peoria Quad @ 250,000

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