Saturday, May 25, 2024

Fairfield, IL: B&O and Southern Depots

B&O Depot: (Satellite, it is now a parking lot.)
Southern Depot: (Satellite, part of the house track still exists.)

The B&O Depot was on the route that went between Beardstown and Shawneetown. B&O sold it in 1979, and it was abandoned in 1985.

Andy Zukowski posted
B & O Train arriving at Fairfield, Illinois. 1910. Photo by C.U. Williams
Tom Parrent: C.U.Williams, the photographer, has his camera at what would be the north end of the CVS. This would be looking toward what is now the Sav-A-Lot store, north across Main Street.
Richard Fiedler shared

1948 Fairfield Quad @  62,500

1938 Aerial Photo from ILHAP

I could not find a grain elevator in the 1938 aerial, but they do have one now.

And the company that supplies chemicals to put on the fields is even bigger. It is across the tracks from where the Southern depot used to be.

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