Friday, May 10, 2024

Van Dyne, WI: C&NW Depot and Feed Mill

Depot: (Satellite, it is long gone)
Feed Mill: (Satellite, its replacement is about a block south of here.)

John Pickard posted
VanDyne, Wisconsin! Taken from the Chicago & North Western Railroad Fans sight!
Reid Van Sluys: At one time (about the same time this photo was taken), the C&NW and original WC passenger trains used to hold informal (and always off the books) races along this stretch of track between Fond du Lac and Oshkosh. Nothing official for sure and always by chance, but when they did happen, they were always memorable. Buddy Williams remembered such an event in his memoir, Life On A Locomotive. It was not unusual when these races occurred to have both trains race through Van Dyne neck-and-neck at top speeds in the 70s or higher!

Because of the big building on the right side of the photo, I think the depot was the black rectangle at the end of Main Street and the grain elevator was the building along the tracks to the north.

Back then, C&NW was on the eastern side and Wisconsin Central was on the western side. Today, both routes are owned by CN. Did the WC use the same depot?
1956 Rosendale Quad @ 62,500

Today's feed mill.
Street View, Apr 2022

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