Sunday, May 19, 2024

Mt. Vernon, OH: B&O (MN) Tower: B&O vs, Pennsy

(Satellite, just south of the bridge and west of the track.)

Darren Reynolds posted two photos with the comment: "B&Os "MN" tower  Mt Vernon, Ohio."
Tim Shanahan shared

[Note all of the signaling pipelines that cross the bridge.]

B Tupper Upham commented on Darren's post

Gregory Henry commented on Tim's share
What it looked like after the flood of 1959…

In the second photo we see the turnouts to some industry and the tower on the other side of the river, so the tower was on the south side of the river. The crossing track in the second photo is a connection between the B&O and Pennsy railyards. The Pennsy mainline crossed the B&O just behind the photographer of the first photo.

Dec 10, 1959 @ 17,000; AR1VAAE00040018

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