Thursday, January 9, 2020

Peck, KS: Old elevator and boxcar to hopper transition


Bob Summers posted
Peck Kansas. We (Garvey Grain) sold this linehouse to the Mulvane Co-op in the mid '70's. They added the outside leg and truck receiving/loadout facility on the right side of the iron clad wood elevator. Signage indicates still in use as a seasonal location.

Bob Summers shared
Jim Merrick Thanks for the background!
This one is not far from me.
On the old Rock Island Mic-Continent mainline (now UP.)
Since it was one of yours, Bob, do you know just when it was modified to load covered hoppers?

Bob Summers That would be before my time at Garvey, Jim. Hoppers started being available along with boxcars in the early '60's and by the mid '60's virtually all of the terminals had made the modifications so they could unload hoppers. In our case at Security, and most of the other terminals in Hutchinson, we were not able to unload trucks until we modified the elevator to receive grain via hopper cars. By the late '70's at Garvey we no longer were receiving boxcars from our country elevator customers, so we de-commissioned our box car dumpers (in order to speed up the rate of receiving grain in hoppers) but we still on occasion shipped grain in boxcars to Mexico.

Ross S. Dando I am focused on the Rock Island, would any of you have more detailed pictures of the rail loading side of things. This site is great for full building views but I would also love to see the fine details of the operation if you have any?

Dennis DeBruler commented on Ross' comment on Bob's share
Street View:!3m6!1e1!3m4...
Note that UP now uses the siding to store MoW equipment. Also the two boxcars painted whitish and put up on concrete pedistals is a nice touch.

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