Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Danville, IL: 1917 C&EI Depot and Danville Hill (DH) Tower: C&EI vs. NYC/P&E

Depot: (3D Satellite)
Tower: (Satellite) (See Walker's comment below.)

Bill Molony posted
The Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad station at Danville, Illinois - circa 1930.
Ken Morrison still there, but not in great shape.
Bill Molony 814 N. Kimball Street.
Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Historical Society shared
Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Historical Society The depot was built in 1917.

Dennis DeBruler commented on Bill's post!3m6!1e1!3m4...

Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Historical Society commented on their share
This is the diagram of the new Danville station from the August 31, 1917 issue of the Railway Age Gazette.

Thomas N. Malone Sr. posted

Commented on his post
I lived on Jewel Street in the early 1960s, just across the street. As a young boy, I remember going to see the trains and walking in the station. That is where I developed my love for trains.

HOLA Rails posted
CEI Georgian with FP-7 #1605 at Danville IL,.
CEIRHS shared
Northbound Georgian at Danville passenger station.

C&EIRHS posted three photos with the comment: "The Danville Station in better days."
Daniel Grinestaff: The one end of the canopy ended with a staircase that took you down to the subway (or vehicle underpass on Fairchild St). The canopy roof slanted down to the ground there adding rain protection for the stairs. Anyway, If you got a good healthy running start, you could run up to the top of the canopy, walk its length and climb on to the roofs of all the buildings back in the day!



A different postcard coloration.
Bill Molony posted
Robert Gibson Jr.: C&EI station at Danville, IL built in 1917.

James Boudreaux posted
Danville,IL. notice the Wabash,NW now NS tracks,at photo top; C&EI station middle date unknown
C&EIRHS shared
The C&EI Kimball Street station in Danville opened in 1917. At that time it served 16 passenger trains a day.
Micheal G Walker: Where the Grogan sign is in lower left corner is the P&E/NYC line and in middle of bottom edge of photo is Danville Hill DH tower. The big factory is Allith Prouty.I lived on Kimball St. 1 house away from the P&E/NYC tracks for a few years in the late 1950's and early 1960's, watched alot of trains.

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