Saturday, July 15, 2023

Perry C: New Lexington, OH: Oxford Mining and Marion 201-M

(Satellite, note all of the strip mine tattoos to the south)

Joe Douglas posted four photos with the comment:
Wanted to share these
#1 picture
Marion 201 M HR Loading a
UNIT RIG  MT 4000 240 Ton
#2 picture
Letourneau 1000  hi lift w 51” drivers
Loading a CAT 785B
New Lexington mine
Benching and drilling
Joe Douglas shared
John Summers: At least Marion got it right! The cab is on the Left side of the machine where the trucks don't have to blind side.




I just skimmed these 2018 articles: ZanesvilleTimesRecorder_1, ZanesvilleTimesRecorder_2, PerryTribune_1 and PerryTribune_2. First of all, given the number of coal-fired power plants that are being closed because of the EPA wastewater regulations, why would any company want to start a coal mine now? Second of all, I know that Ohio had a bad track record for enforcing land reclamation (e.g. Hanna Coal Mine). Are they still bowing to coal mines in the 21st Century. Third of all, are the resident's concerns valid, or is this just more NIMBY whining? I've seen some projects where the NIMBYers were just entitled people overreacting, yet they killed projects that would have benefitted the greater good. And I've learned to take environmental groups with a grain of salt when I realized they are basically paid to complain. Fourth of all, can the company management be trusted? I did notice the following: "The Friends cite the $10.2 million in bonuses granted to eight Westmoreland executives prior to filing for bankruptcy. During this time the company is engaged in court proceedings to void their pension responsibilities to retired miners." [PerryTribune_2] I have not seen anything since 2018. So maybe the coal economy took the decision out of the hands of the ODNR and killed the mine.

(Actually, this 28:35 video (source) claims Ohio did a good job of regulating the reclamation of strip mines.)

So the cab was not always on the left side.


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