Monday, February 26, 2018

Port Huron, MI: GTW Tunnel Depot


Mark W Rummel posted
After recently posting about Richert's Restaurant here (located "opposite the Tunnel Depot"), I thought that wonderful building deserved another look. The Grand Trunk Western's Tunnel Depot was empty but still standing when I moved to Port Huron in 1973. Here's a photo of it from that era - it was torn down soon after. It was on Railroad Street east of 24th, obviously the first depot after trains came out of the International Tunnel just east of here. I wish it was still standing:
Mark commented on his posting
Here's a post card photo of Port Huron's Tunnel Depot in the prime train travel era, about 1910, by the wonderful Louis Pesha. This was the center of all transportation back then:
Jeff Barton commented on Mark's posting

1 comment:

  1. PH born and raised----spent many an hour there----moved to Cal. 1954---last used the depot in 1966--bought ticket for Durand & back. Thanks for the memories.
