Monday, July 17, 2017

Toledo, OH: CSX/B&O/CH&D Rossford Yard


Technically, this yard is in Rossford, OH, but I have decided to use "metro area" names in the titles.

CH&D was the Cincinnatti, Hamilton & Dayton, another reminder that the early charters in Ohio focused on north/south routes to connect navigable waters. In this case they were trying to connect the Ohio River and Lake Erie. The CH&D did make it all the way north to the Maumee River before B&O bought them. posted
Detroit & Toledo Shore Line GP7's #50 and #47 have just returned with a transfer run to Toledo, Ohio on November 24, 1979. Jack Kuiphoff photo.
Peter Dudley Detroit & Toledo Shore Line Railroad (D&TSL) was being built as an electric interurban trolley line, until the money ran out (c. 1903). After re-organization, the "steam" bridge line (later known as the "Expressway For Industry") never carried passengers.
Poles supporting the line's overhead electric catenary were re-located along the parallel Detroit, Monroe & Toledo Short Line Railway (DM&TSL), which commenced operations in November 1904. Eastern Michigan Railways (EMR) walked away from its Toledo / Detroit trolley line on October 4, 1932.

Jim Sank B&O Rossford Yard
Ryan Ramsey D&TSL Is now CN. The yard is CSX.
Mike Snow #47 still in service at Ohi-Rail
I researched this yard to see if the coaling tower is still standing. It is not. This yard has been totally abandoned because CSX acquired bigger yards in the area. You can see the ADM Grain Elevator in the left background. The CH&D route is still used by CSX because it is the one that goes through Deshler, OH.

Galen Culver shared from East Toledo Historical Society
Baltimore and Ohio Rossford yards, Photo taken from Miami and Oakdaleross. The large building was a Coal Tipple, used to put coal into the coal tender cars that were always attached to the back of the steam engines. That building is still standing and can be seen from Miami St. or Oakdale Ave. c.1948.
Google Earth, 3/1994

Mike Lusher posted
B&O Passenger Train Entering Rossford Yard near Toledo, Ohio.
Douglas Post: Were you with the FRA?
Mike Lusher: Douglas Post, yes, 34 years.
I inspected a lot of L&N coal trains at Rossford Yard.

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