Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Milwaukee, WI: C&NW Chase Tower and Yard


Chicago & North Western Historical Society posted
There is great controversy as to just WHERE this photo was taken, It was taken at "CY Tower" but the question is - Where the heck was that?  It is certainly not Clybourne in Chicago.  Other guesses are Chase Yard in Milwaukee and at Cedar Rapids.  Can anyone really pinpoint the site of the photo?  It is a 1917 - 1920 photo by Charles Stecher.
Sean Kelly: FWIW, I found this blog that claims the CY tower is Clybourne. Maybe this picture is earlier then 1917. The blog states the tracks were elevated after 1915.
Dan Rupnow: An essentially brand new double track mainline here, as this freight only trackage meant to bypass downtown Milwaukee via Butler was constructed only a few years before this photo was taken. Lots to like in this image!ac

Dan Rupnow commented on the above post
I strongly suspect the now extinct Chase Yard in Milwaukee, based on the orientation of the double track mainline in relation to the yard and also the orientation of the industries and houses in the background. This photo would be looking northwest if this is the case. Great shot!

Frank J. Nobile commented on the above post
It is definitely signal 607. Westbound signal governing the x overs at Chase. (aka Milwaukee sub.) Between Mitchell yard and St. Francis. (Milwaukee, WI)
It appears Mr. Strecher is up on the bridge platform on right. Been up that signal many times to replace busted out signal lenses.

Thomas Manz commented on Frank's comment
Here's a later view looking W on the Madison Division. Signal 607 at far left. (Barriger CNW 81)

Chicago & North Western Historical Society posted
This Stecher phto was taken about 1917 possibly looking west at the west end of the 40th Street yard in Chicago. Note the signal man standing at the upper right side of the signal bridge.
Bob Lalich: I found this photo recently while searching for photos of Proviso. After a lively discussion, longtime CNW engineer Doug Davidson has identified this as Chase Tower in Milwaukee. The view is east. The overhead bridge in the distance is the North Shore. CNW's Chase Yard is beyond.

1958/60 Greendale Quad @ 24,000

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