CF&E =
Chicago, Fort Wayne & Eastern
Darren Reynolds
posted five images with the comment: "Conrails ( Ex-PRR)
"Upper Sandusky" tower (SA)
Upper Sandusky, Ohio"
Dale DeVene: I think it closed July 1985 and I think it came down in October.
Dale DeVene: Upper...copy three east. March 17, 1981 To: C&E extra 6223 east at Upper Sandusky. And so on...wrote a lot of train orders and form A's back in the day at Upper.
Gene Dent: Dale DeVene Form A, Number 9 West. CR 6441 CR 6393...71 loads, 0 empties, cabin 23244. 6579 tons.
Kevin Capurso: As of 20 years ago a tool shed of sorts still remains but thats it.
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The grain elevator along the former-Pennsy benefits from the railroad being sold to a shortline because it gets carload rail service. (There are some more hopper cars in the distant background to the left of the stop sign.)
Turning our view to the right, we see a cut of hopper cars. But these must be in storage because with just two bays they are short hopper cars. They would be used to haul higher denser materials such as sand, cement or roof granules.
Along the CSX/C&O/HV route there is a modern grain elevator. Kudus to CSX because it looks like it is being rail served. We can see grain dust coming out of the hopper car.
The elevator has its own locomotive. So the CSX locomotives in the above view must have just delivered some empty hoppers.
We can see the rather long fall protector in his photo. The track under the loadout is paved so that trucks can also use it.
The above elevator is an expansion because further south is the original elevator. This is another example of an elevator having a conveyor across a Class I railroad.
I looked at a satellite image to note that the old elevator has been expanded with a long building as well as two big bins. I also noticed that CF&E has access to the sidings of the two big elevators along the HV route and that there is a glass plant. I presume this is the plant served by the 2-bay hopper cars.
In fact, there is a long cut of cars west of the plant.
Along the CSX route is a plant owned by The Andersons.
The Andersons makes some of the fertilizer that they sell. For example, in
Webberville, MI.
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