Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Redfield, SD: Museum/C&NW Depot


Chicago & North Western Historical Society posted
Out on the wide prairies.  We are looking at a photo of the C&NW depot in Redfield, South Dakota.  That is one big depot for "out there."  Redfield is located a few stops due west of Watertown, South Dakota.

Tom Edwards commented on the above post
Redfield was a big railroad town back in the day. the C&NW had two lines that crossed there and the Milwaukee had a branch that ran through the town as well. The depot was still standing when Google Street View came through the area last year. (2024)

Stephen Hazen commented on the above post
The door handles on the Redfield Depot.

Daniel Paul Knigge commented on the above post, cropped

Michael Smith commented on the above post
A host at the Redfield depot museum told the story of all the building materials being pre-cut and shipped to Redfield to be assembled. Someone forgot about the saying "measure twice and cut once".

Unlike some depot museums, the interior has also been preserved.
Cindy Beard, May 2022

The museum is not about just railroad stuff.
Cindy Beard, May 2022

In addition to the table set, there is a silverware set.
Cindy Beard, May 2022

It is still a railroad town by todays standards because I kept finding cuts of cars in the town.

Does UP own this C&NW route? If so, this would be another example of a conveyor belt across a Class I railroad. The fall protector by the silos implies that this elevator gets rail service.
Street View, Oct 2008

1953/55 Redfield North and 1966/67 Redfield South Quads @ 24,000

Judging from some photos, the blue caboose in front of the left bin belongs to the museum.
Street View, Oct 2024

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