Sunday, March 28, 2021

Jefferson Junction, WI: Ethanol/Ladish Malting Plant and C&NW Depot

Elevator: (Satellite)
C&NW Depot: (Satellite, it was in the southeast quadrant of the crossing.)

(Update, when I wrote these notes, Valero owned the ethanol plant, and it was permanently closed. ClonBio bought it in 2022. It is the largest ethanol plant in Wisconsin, and they have successfully restarted it. And they are planning on spending millions to upgrade it. [aztalanbio])

safe_image for a Matt Diestler Photo Album
Jefferson Jct., WI - UP/Ex-CNW
It is my understanding that bins closest to the Ethanol plant are being used for storage for the Ethanol Plant. That is older info from a friend who retired from there in 2015. Great pictures

Street View, Sep 2012

I researched whether or not they produce biodiesel as well as ethanol. It apperas they do and also "Advanced Biofuels," whatever that is.

This view shows that it has a lot of grain storage.

Former Ladish Malt Plant at Jefferson Jct., WI

Former Ladish Malt (later Cargill) plant at Jefferson Jct., WI now owned by Valero Energy.

South western side looking North east.


Depot and Junction: C&NW vs. C&NW

Nikki Martinez posted three images with the comment:
Chicago Northwestern passenger train at depot in Jefferson Junction, Wisconsin.  
Jefferson Junction is just north of Jefferson, at the intersection of the former CNW lines where the Fond du Lac/Janesville line crossed the Madison/Milwaukee line at the location of the former Ladish Malts complex.
The diamonds still exist, but the east-west Madison to Milwaukee line no longer does (except for a very short bit of track which served the old Ladish Malts.  The N-S Fond du Lac to Janesville Line here does see occasional service for Jefferson customers mostly.  
The depot was located on the SE side of the diamonds. My guess is that this is a view looking to the east, and the passenger train was travelling west to Madison.  
Photo from the Jefferson Historical Society archives.
Note:  I suspect that this image is of the CNW 4-4-2 engine that was run as an excursion in September 1954.
Tim Schneider: at one time one of the busiest area's for rail in the state when the malt was running hard.
Terry M. Warner: That depot has the “look” of the one at Sturtevant (which was saved & now in Caledonia). I recall Ladish was bought-out by Cargill?



This topo map does mark the location of the depot.
1959/61 Jefferson Quad @ 24,000

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