Sunday, September 1, 2024

Oakes, ND: C&NW Depot and Old Grain Elevator

(Satellite, Pardis Law Office has reused some of the land.)

Carlson's Train Camera posted
Oakes, ND 3-21-81

The C&NW terminated in this town. The routes on the north side of town were the Northern Pacific. According to a USGS map, the C&NW+NP routes are now owned by Red River Valley & Western, and the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie is now owned by Dakota Missouri Valley & Western.
1952 Oakes Quad @ 24,000

The depot was on the west side of the tracks and a little south of Main Street, and the grain elevator was on the east side of the tracks and just south of Main Street.
Aug 8, 1952 @ 60,000; ARA001130161761

Street View, Nov 2021

Street View, Aug 2013

I accessed older views above trying to find better sunlight. I didn't find any sun on the old elevator, but I did notice some additional bins and a leg. So I revisited the first view.
Street View, Aug 2013

Google Maps labels this elevator as a feed mill. Note that it gets rail service.

An elevator on the southwest side of town handles grain storage. Looking at the Columbia Grain International website, I'm reminded that grain in North Dakota means wheat, not corn or soybeans.

And ND grows beans other than soybeans.

And there is fertilizer supply and more grain storage on the southeast side of town.

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