Monday, September 2, 2024

Shelbyville, KY: Relocated/L&N Depot

Original: (Satellite?)
Current: (Satellite)

John Hamilton posted two photos with the comment (his square braces): "[L&N RR, Bloomfield Branch, Shelbyville Station]: During move and at new location."
George Herbig II: What year was the move?
John Hamilton: George Herbig II 1972
Dennis DeBruler: I don't know the old branches of L&N. Which states was this Shelbyville in? KY, TN, IN or IL?
John Hamilton: Dennis DeBruler KY


The Bloomfield Branch had been cut way back by 1956.
1956/71 Louisville Quad @ 250,000

John Hamilton posted
[L&N RR, Bloomfield Branch, Shelbyville Station]: RED ARROW - station's new location
Dennis DeBruler: Found it:
was the depot originally along the Bloomfield Branch or was it along the mainline across the north side of town?

Gary Miller commented on John's post
What she looks like today !

It did street running on 11th Street between College and Equity Streets.
1954/55 Shelbyville Quad @ 24,000

John Hamilton posted four photos with the comment: "[L&N RR, Shelbyville Station]: My grandparents took my mom, Thelma Hamilton, and aunt Maxine Shouse to see President Truman. My grandfather, Ira Burke Rucker, is wearing the hat and my mom is immediately to his left and front with the dark band holding her pigtail. ❤️"
[It looks like it was along the mainline along the north side of town. But I still have not been able to determine where it was.]




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