Monday, September 16, 2024

Peoria, IL: CB&Q Grain Elevator

(Satellite, torn down in 1971)

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David Jordan posted three images with the comment:
The old Burlington Elevator appeared in the background of a lot of local train photos. It was located along Southwest Washington Street, at the Foot of Western Avenue. The structure was built in 1897 to replace the CB&Q's fire-ravaged Union Elevator (1872). Expansion in 1902 added much storage capacity.
In July 1931, Farmers National Grain Co. purchased the Burlington Elevator. At the time, it was being used to store oats, but the new owner decided to increase storage capacity, store wheat and corn, and for the first time, soybeans. 
Continental Grain Co. leased the elevator from 1938 to 1942 when it was sold to Norris Grain Co. This arrangement lasted until 1962 when Archer Daniels Midland Co purchased it. 
I've either misplaced my notes or had seen another source I've since forgotten, but I believe the elevator closed in 1967 because it couldn't compete with newer concrete and steel structures which also had direct river access. 
Demolition of the old wooden structure started in late-December 1970 and lasted through at least February 1971. See photo captions for source/date.
Peoria Journal-Transcript August 18, 1944.

Peoria Journal Star December 31, 1970.

Peoria Journal Star December 31, 1970.

Dennis DeBruler commented on David's post
It looks like it was the "fat rectangle" between Spruce and Dodge Streets. I presume that CB&Q owned the larger roundhouse. Who owned the smaller one? And we can see where the "Alley Track" joined the railyard.
1949 Peoria East Quad @ 24,000

Dennis DeBruler commented on David's post

Dennis DeBruler commented on David's post
Details like the removal of the elevator by 1972 allows us to test the accuracy of the topo maps. Unfortunately, this 1979 map flunks this test because it still shows the elevator existing.
1979 Peoria East Quad @ 24,000

Greenbrier Rail Services now has the P&PU roundhouse land. They built a building on the turntable location and use the roundhouse footprint for storage.

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