Monday, July 29, 2024

Birmingham, AL: 1887-1960 L&N/Union Station

(Satellite, between Morris Ave. and the tracks and west of 20th Street.)

This station was the Birmingham's Union Station until the Terminal Station opened in 1909. The other railroads moved to the new station, but L&N stayed here. This station then became known as the L&N Station. [bhamrails]

Andrew Waldo posted five photos with the comment:
Birmingham Union Station, Louisville & Nashville Railroad
. Several views of L&N's Union Station here, and the Field Notes also contain some nice, measured drawings of station. I do wonder sometimes, however, how many minutes of camera instruction the survey team members received...
The Notes give many measurements for this station, but very little about its history beyond an estimated build date of 1887. Any comments from folks on the list about the building's story and history would be welcomed.
Photo taken 20 April 1917.
Credit: National Archives & Records Administration, ICC Engineering Field Notes, Louisville & Nashville Railroad, Alabama. Digital Image Collection of Andrew Waldo. For high-resolution scans in archival .tif format, PM me.





This is what replaced the 1887 building. This building was on the western end of the 1887 building's land and west of 19th Street. The rest of the land was used for a 19th Street underpass and a bank building.

The train station was removed in the 1930s when the tracks were elevated.

In this 1947 aerial, the Terminal Station complex is in the upper-right corner and the L&N Station is in the lower-right corner.
Mar 22, 1947 @ 23,600; AR1DB0000030162

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