Monday, July 22, 2024

Pitcairn, PA: 1892 NS/Pennsy Pitcairn Railyard

(Satellite, a lot of it is now grass. There is an intermodal yard in part of it.)

North is at the bottom of this photo.
Phil Jadlowiec posted
Sharing from another group.
In addition to the classification and receiving yards, the vast complex contained four outdoor repair yards and two roundhouses. One roundhouse was for passenger and freight car repair and the other, Panhandle Engine Roundhouse, was for locomotive repair. They were built on the Wall Avenue side of the yards by the federal government when it took over the railroads in World War I.

Note the "Brick Kiln" label across the river from the northern roundhouse.
1953/55 Braddock Quad @ 24,000

Over the years the railroad yard at Pitcairn steadily grew. The first receiving and classification yard was completed by 1892. By late 1905, the Westbound Hump yard was opened where rail cars were pushed up a hill (hump), uncoupled, and then rolled downhill into sorting tracks. Two years later, the Eastbound Hump near the site of the old Wall family farm was finished. A series of four tracks ran up to each of the humps and fanned into 35 others in the receiving yard.
ogrforum, cropped, this webpage has several more photos

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