Saturday, July 6, 2024

Grand Junction, IA: Junction Tower: C&NW vs. M&SL and C&NW Depot

Depot: (Satellite, northwest quadrant of the crossing)
Tower: (Satellite, northeast quadrant of the crossing))
Water Tower: (Satellite)
Original Grain Elevator: (Satellite)
Wood Grain Elevator: (Satellite)
Bioenergy Plant: (Satellite, the loop tracks for handling unit trains caught my eye.)

M&SL = Minneapolis & St. Louis. It was bought by C&NW in 1960.

M&SL is the north/south route through town. According to the 2004 SPV Map, C&NW abandoned the "spoke" to the south. The other three spokes are now owned by UP.

We are looking east along the C&NW.
Raymond Storey posted

I was able to determine the locations of the features in the photo from this aerial. The long shadows made it easy to identify the features.
Jul 10, 1953 @ 23,600; AR1WY0000020016

As usual, I started my research with the oldest high-resolution aerial that I could find. But the dark exposure made it hard to find the buildings. That is why I got the above aerial.
May 25, 1947 @ 27,200; AR1DY0000060177

The grain elevator has grown a little bit.
Street View, Aug 2021

I wonder about the purpose of the wood structure that was built on top of the one-story building.
Street View, Aug 2021

Most of the grain from the local farmers would be delivered here.

Since the plant handles both hoppers and tankers, it probably produces ethanol or biodiesel or both. [ldc] I noticed two blue locomotives, so LDC evidently has their own locomotives for loading the trains.

I thought just four silos was a rather low number until I saw that the jump-form silos are big.
Street View, Aug 2021

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