Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Moccasin, IL: Lost/C&EI Depot

(Satellite, my guess based on the aerial photo below.)

I was surprised that a town with so few homes has a Town Hall. But then I saw that it was the township office.

Effingham County Courthouse Museum Effingham IL posted
Good morning! Today's picture takes us to Moccasin Township. 
The top picture shows the depot for the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad and the bottom picture is a ticket purchased at that depot. Many people would buy a ticket and go to Shelbyville to shop for the day or visit family. This was an easy way to travel especially in rainy or snowy weather when the roads were bad. 
This depot is long gone and I'm looking for a better picture of it. If any of you remember this building or have a better picture of it, I'd love to have it. Moccasin had two railroads running through it at one time but now only one remains. 
Wherever you may be, I wish you a wonderful day!
Richard Fiedler shared

There were two rectangles along the tracks. I assume it is the northern one because it has an access road.
1938 Aerial Photo from ILHAP

The abandoned railroad on the west side of town was the B&O.
1958/71 Decatur Quad @ 250,000

It appears the C&EI crossed the B&O just north of Altamont.

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