Friday, August 9, 2024

Anaconda, MT: 1902-1980 Washoe Copper Smelter and Roundhouse

Smelter Stack: (Satellite)
Roundhouse: (Satellite)

The first phase of the smelter was built in 1902. The second stack, the one standing today, was built in 1918. "From the 30-foot base (elevation 5,754 feet), the stack rises to 585 feet...[with] the equivalent of 6,672,214 ordinary bricks." [plaque
"When completed in 1918, the Anaconda Smelter Stack was believed to be the tallest masonry, brickwork structure in the world." [umt]
Operations were shutdown in 1980. [epa]

Andrew Eunpu, Jan 2021, right side, Anaconda Historical Society archives

Andrew Eunpu, Jan 2021, left side

Erick Nordberg updated
This cover photo is from a vintage colorized postcard of the Anaconda Mining Company’s Washoe Smelter. The 1918 stack remains at the site as the tallest masonry structure in the world at 585 feet tall. 

Street View, Jun 2012

Andrew Eunpu, Jan 2021

1961 Anaconda Quad @ 62,500

The USGS map labels the railroad as Rarus Railway. The older topo maps label it as Butte Anaconda & Pacific.

Street View, Aug 2021

Street View, Aug 2021

It appears the ramp for the old coal dock is still standing.
Street View, Aug 2021

Doug Klink posted
Turntable and roundhouse for the Butte, Anaconda, and Pacific in Anaconda MT.  Drove by and you can see it through the fence but not well enough for a photo.  The fence has slats in it. Part of a historical district.
Charlie Sibaja: Filming location for Runaway Train movie in 1985.

Daren Genau commented on Doug's post
Couple years ago

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