Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Greenville, PA: B&LE Roundhouse, Backshop with TT and Museum/Depot

Roundhouse: (Satellite)
Backshop+TT: (Satellite)
Railyard: (Satellite)
Depot: (Satellite, 816 photos)

B&LE = Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad
TT= Transfer Table

The roundhouse and transfer table are behind the backshops.
Street View, Aug 2014

Ian Black posted
Aerial view and historical photos of the B&LE Roundhouse in Greenville, PA. was in use until 2006
Scott Whitney: Went there in 1980 when the steam was still stored inside. There was a LOT going on in that shop at the time!!! Link to my folder of images from that day:

John Blotnick commented on Ian's post
Just as important, Backshops and Transfer Tables, as this table looks like its still in operating condition.
Ian Black: @John Blotnick, the yard remains active as part of the Bessemer & Lake Erie RR.

Depot is on the left and the museum displays are on the right.
Street View, Oct 2018


FMI: the city also has a canal museum.

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