Thursday, August 29, 2024

Meadville, PA: Erie Buchanan (BK) Junction: Erie vs. Erie


5. Detail view of switching equipment, rods and trackage, taken October 1972 - Erie Railway, Buchanan Junction Interlocking Tower, U.S. Route 322 vicinity, Meadville, Crawford County, PA
[Note the signalling pipelines following the curve of the track.]

Darren Reynolds posted eight photos with the comment:
Erie Railroad Company 
"BK" tower (Buchannon Jct)
Dennis DeBruler: The Library of Congress has six photos: 
"BK" tower (Buchannon Jct.) Photo by: Scott Wertans Aug.1978

Inside of "BK" tower.. No model board like other Erie towers, thay used little Semaphore Signals.. Photo & Date: Unknown Steve McMullen: Drop annunciators! Steve McMullen: Darren Reynolds i first saw them in Deval in Des Plaines, IL!

The CTC machine at "BK" tower Photo by: Scott Wertans Aug.1978

Looking down the tracks at "BK" tower Photo by: Ron Stafford July 1986

An aerial view of "BK" tower Photo & Date: Unknown

"BK" tower Photo by: Scott Wertans Aug.1978

In this picture you can see the pipeline for the Crossover switches.."BK" tower Photo by: HAER

A Conrail interlocking diagram of "BK" tower All images from North American interlockings States A to Z and Canada...

Zachary C. Gillihan commented on Raymond's post
BK lives!!!
[I gather from the comments that this is a CTC machine.]

Fortunately, the second map that I looked at showed me that the junction was south of Meadville. Erie Railroad is #16.
1950 Pennsylvania Railroad Map via RailsAndTrails

Looking south of Meadville, it was easy finding the junction on this topo map.
1943/43 Meadville Quad @ 62,500

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