Thursday, August 29, 2024

Wabash, IN: Big Four Roundhouse and Backshops


Steve Sheets posted
This was Wabash IN back when it was the Division Point for the NewYork Central before the Division Point was moved to Anderson, IN
Scott Reynolds: Where exactly was it located? Steve Sheets: Scott Reynolds , The railyard was located on the Southeast side of the town along the Wabash River. There is a park there now for part of this area. There is still a track that runs North and South from the river up through the cutright. This was part of the Big Four.

Dennis DeBruler commented on Steve's post
This 1948 aerial photos shows that Big Four still had the land, but the roundhouse and backshows were gone. [AR1HW0000010099]
Steve Sheets: Dennis DeBruler , Thanks for the photo! Wabash was my mom's hometown. My dad worked as a brakeman for the Big Four in the 1950s. My photo was take back in the early 1900s.

I got the above aerial photo to confirm that this topo map was correct to show that the roundhouse was already gone.
1952/52 Wabash Quad @ 24,000

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