Saturday, August 17, 2024

West Pittsburg, PA: CSX/B&O (UN) Tower & New Castle Railyard and P&LE Museum/Depot

Tower, Original: (Satellite)
Tower, Current: (Satellite)
B&O Railyard: (Satellite)
B&O Roundhouse: (Satellite, most of the land is now a parking lot for the yard office.)
Depot: (Satellite, I found this while looking for the original location of the tower.)

Darren Reynolds posted eight photos with the comment: "B&Os "UN" tower (New Castle Jct.)
West Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania"
Dennis DeBrulerOriginal location:
Current location:
"UN" tower
Photo by: Ross Jack (No Date)

"UN" tower back in July 1931
Photo by: Henry Wilhelm NRHS
[A nice view of some signaling pipelines.]

The model board for "UN" tower
Photo by: Ross Jack (No Date)

The interlocking machine at "UN" tower
Photo by: Ross Jack (No Date)

Operator's desk at "UN" tower
Photo by: Chip Syme ( No Date)
Dave Ori: The tower closed in November 1995
UN was a busy tower during the B&O era with trains operating to and from the P&W Subdivision and the P&LE Connection.

Something going on by the tower ? Maybe a special is going through. June 1977
Photo by: Rob Mandeville


It's been saved!! "UN" tower at its new home.Oct.30,2002
Photo by: Dan Maners
All images from North American interlockings States A to Z and Canada..

1958/60 New Castle South Quad @ 24,000

This tower is named UN because it was near Union Valley Road. [Flickr comment]
The tracks on the left were P&LE and those on the right were B&O. The yard tracks went further south than the topo map indicates. The model board indicates the tower is the building on the west side of the B&O tracks about halfway between Union Valley Road and MacKee Run.
Apr 20, 1969 @ 24,000; AR1VCFB00020035


lcmemoirs, this webpage has a lot of information about the railyard including a photo of the UN Tower.
"The old B&O roundhouse at New Castle Junction, where the massive locomotives were repaired indoors. (c1930)"

"A locomotive sits on the turntable in preparation of being directed into the B&O roundhouse. (c1940) (Photo courtesy of Bill Lewis)"

The B&O roundhouse is in the lower-right corner. The roundhouse in the upper-left corner was the Pennsy roundhouse and the little roundhouse near the upper-right corner was the PL&E. The PL&E roundhouse is extant and now owned by Kasgro Rail Corp.
Apr 20, 1969 @ 24,000; AR1VCFB00020022

It cost me hours to find the current location. I saw all sorts of references to it, but nobody included any location information. At least I learned about a bunch of other stuff while I was looking for the current location.
Street View, Aug 2023

The track in the above photo was a branch of the Pennsy.
1958 Bessemer and New Castle South Quads @ 24,000

That Pennsy branch and the P&LE north of the CSX crossing is now owned by the New Castle Industrial Railroad (NCIR). NCIR helped move the UN Tower to its present location.

Lifting the second floor onto a flatcar via anglefire

Adding the first floor to the flatcar via anglefire

The flatcar going over the Shenango River via anglefire

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