Thursday, August 29, 2024

Ludlow, KY: Southern Roundhouse, Backshop and Railyard

Roundhouse: (Satellite, many of the trees are growing on the roundhouse land.)
Railyard: (Satellite, some of the tracks still exist.)

Rick Shilling posted
c1922 Southern Railroad Roundhouse, Turntable, Shops and Yards, Ludlow, Kentucky.

The roundhouse was already gone in 1955. The backshop building has been replaced by a locomotive service building.
1955/57 Covington Quad @ 24,000

The roundhouse was close to Davies Street.
1914/14 West Cincinnati Quad @ 62,500

The foundation doesn't look correct. Note how they have reused just half of the turntable.

I found an image from 2004 before the trees took over. They had removed just part of the foundation.
Google Earth, Apr 2004

Judging from a label on Google Maps, the locomotive service building was removed rather recently. Indeed, it was removed between April and October in 2020.

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