Saturday, August 24, 2024

Fairfax, MI: Junction Tower: Aban/NYC/LS&MS vs. Aban/CR/MC


Raymond Storey posted
Dave Hickcox: According to my sources the Michigan Central crossed the New York Central. Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks.
Dennis DeBruler: Dave Hickcox This isn't a correction, but a refinement. Railroad names are tricky because they change. MC was the east/west route, later it would become NYC. The north/south route was originally the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. By the time this photo was taken, it probably was already the NYC. By 1953, which is the oldest topological map that I could find, the north/south route was abandoned, and the east/west route had become NYC. Today, both routes are abandoned,

Dennis DeBruler commented on Raymond's post
Given the angle of the tracks, it appears that the tower was in the northwest quadrant of the crossing, and we see a geographically southbound NYC/LS&MS train. I wonder what was NYC's timecard direction for this north/south route? 1953/1963 Fort Wayne Quadrangle @ 250,000

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