Thursday, August 22, 2024

Madison, WI: 1906 Repurposed/Garver Feed Mill/Sugar Beet Processing

(Satellite, 763 photos)

Street View, Sep 2017

Andy Ippolito posted five photos with the comment:
Garver Feed Mill, Madison WI USA
"The Garver Feed Mill has been a Madison icon since its earliest days. Built in 1906, the Mill was originally constructed as a sugar beet processing facility by the United States Sugar Company . As the largest factory in the state of Wisconsin, the facility played an essential role in Madison’s economic development and emergence as a major industrial center. Designed by the prominent Madison firm of Law, Law and Potter, the building became known throughout the city as the “Sugar Castle” due to its gothic arched windows and Richardsonian turret, which gave the building a palatial appearance. The sugar plant remained in operation until it closed its doors in 1924."




Carol Griskavich commented on the above post
I had the pleasure of viewing the interior of Garver with the masonry contractor while the walls were being shored up in 2015. It was a trip to attend a friend’s wedding there in 2022.
After US Sugar left, it became a livestock feed mill in 1924 and closed its doors for good in 1997. The current operators have done a great job of displaying and interpreting some of the original equipment and ephemera, as well as some of the “original” graffiti.

People who host weddings are glad there is another event space available. According to the Google Map labels, there are several other businesses in the building.
Photo, Dec 2020

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